As I mention on the home page, my main research interests are in geometry and ergodic theory. I am particularly interested in problems surrounding the dynamics of group actions and flows in geometric contexts. Some keywords surrounding my main interests and current work:
Higher Teichmüller-Thurston theory
Anosov representations
Thermodynamic formalism
Geometry and dynamics in higher rank Lie groups
Discrete subgroups of Lie groups
In the past, some of my research projects have also dabbled with analytic number theory, convex analysis, differential topology, and more.
Weakly Mixing Systems with Dense Prime Orbits (Colloquium Mathematicum 169 (2022), 11-23; arXiv:2010.09812)
Extremizers of the J functional with respect to the d_1 metric; joint with Sam Bachhuber, Benjamin Christophel, and Tamás Darvas (Analysis Mathematica 48 (2022), no. 2, 307-330)
In preparation
None (...for now)
Talks and Presentations
Please be warned that the notes linked below are very rough in some cases and are really just designed to help me prepare for the corresponding talk. If you give them a look though, hopefully they will convey something about what was covered and the general approach to the topic.
Conferences Attended
UMD: Dynamics Workshop - April 2024
Texas A&M: Workshop on Groups and Dynamics - March 2024
UT Austin: Graduate Mini-school in Groups, Dynamics, and Probability - June 2023
UMD: Workshop on Partial Hyperbolicity - May 2023
UT Austin: Graduate Mini-school in Groups and Dynamics - July 2022
Rice University: Ergodic Theory and its Connections (in honor of Michael Boshernitzan) - May 2022
Penn State: Dynamics Workshop - September 2019